Note of Bishops of the
Ecclesiastical Province of Madrid
to the regional and municipal elections of May 22
As before, the bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Madrid, to the regional and municipal elections the next day May 22, we recall some basic principles that must be taken into account when exercising freely and responsibly on the right and duty to vote, this is a very important contribution to the common good of society.
The responsible exercise of the vote requires a sufficient knowledge of all the election manifestos of political parties and a careful discernment of the measures proposed to implement them. Furthermore, Catholics must act according to the dictates of a well-formed conscience on the principles of right reason and Magisterium of the Church, in particular its social doctrine, so that they can "choose among political views consistent with faith and natural law, one that, according to their own criteria, what best corresponds to the requirements of the common good. "
should be taken into account in this regard, the following principles:
1. The right to life must be effectively protected at all stages of the existence of the person, from conception to natural death. No real or perceived personal or social good can justify the elimination of an innocent human being by abortion - including so-called morning-after pill - or euthanasia.
2. The right to religious freedom must also be protected. Which implies the need to respect places of worship and religious symbols, as well as protection of expression and public assessment of religious beliefs, especially the Catholic faith, configurations of our cultural and moral heritage.
3. The family must be the subject of specific recognition and careful promotion. Laws and administrative rules should recognize protect and promote the institution of marriage, without which life can not be familiar. According to right reason, enlightened by faith, the institution of marriage is based on the consortium of life of a man and a woman freely and definitively established for the fulfillment of the spouses and procreation. The protection of the family also required to facilitate access to decent housing and a job commensurate with family demands, in particular young people.
4. It must recognize and protect the right of parents to educate their children according to their religious, moral and educational. Which implies that it can actually do both social initiative in the creation and management of schools, such as the free choice of the same, and it involves state schools refrain from imposing a particular religious or moral education by providing more training for parents or students choose in this field, in particular, the teaching of Catholic religion and morality, so many seek.
5. It must promote a just economic order, to facilitate the exercise of a fairly-paid work and to provide special care arrangements for people most affected by the economic crisis and labor, as well as for those who are in a situation marginalization or special needs: immigrants, the sick, elderly, dependent, etc.
pray to the Lord and Santa Maria that the forthcoming elections will contribute to promoting the common good in the municipalities of our diocese and in the Autonomous Community of Madrid.
Madrid, March 22, 2011
† Card. Antonio M ª Rouco Varela
Metropolitan Archbishop of Madrid
Juan Antonio † Reig Pla
Bishop of Alcalá de Henares
† Joaquín M ª López de Andujar and Canovas del Castillo
Bishop of Getafe
† Fidel Herráez Vegas
Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid
† César A. Franco Martinez
Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid
† Rafael Zornoza Boy
Auxiliary Bishop of Getafe
† Juan Antonio Martínez Camino
Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid
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