Friday, March 25, 2011

Cellulase And Candida

Introduction of Continuing and Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist in the city of Zaragoza (I) Culture of Life

weekly Letter from the Archbishop of Zaragoza
for Sunday March 27, 2011

The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI calls us to undertake, particularly in Europe, the new evangelization. This is very necessary and urgent because the secularization of consciousness, whose beginnings date back to the late Middle Ages and whose epicenter is located in the Enlightenment, has been making during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries a mass phenomenon. This has resulted in the emergence of a secularized Europe and, last section, secular, which not only strives to abandon the faith of Christ, but also shows respect to its determination resentful former Christian and tries, as the program of Nietzsche, the presence of God to eradicate all forms of culture and all public institutions.

Well, given the radical novelty of the situation created, it is natural that the Church considers that a new evangelization, as well as to propose that such evangelization will be characterized by a new zeal, by the introduction of new methods and proposing new expressions. This is clear and obvious.

Now well, obviously, the new evangelization Bloom pursues holiness in both its agents and recipients. Clearly we remembered John Paul II on the very threshold of the new millennium when he said that the perspective must be set in the pastoral way of the Church is holiness (cf. NMI 29 and 32).

And this, holiness, necessarily built from listening to the Word of God and the participation in the life of Christ through the sacraments, among which stands out the Eucharist, source and summit of all evangelization.

Not surprisingly, the Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, picking up the concern neoevangelizadora Paul VI in 'Evangelii nuntiandi' have been laying the foundations of the new evangelization in the Eucharist and in the revealed word. Recall that the XI Synodal Assembly October 2005 was on the Eucharist, source and summit of the life and mission of the Church. Its fruits were offered to us by Pope Benedict XVI on February 22, 2007, postinodal in his apostolic exhortation "Sacramentum Caritatis." And the XII bishops 'synod, held at the Vatican from 5 to October 26, 2008, would have as its theme' The Word of God in the life and mission of the Church. " Its fruits were offered to us by the Holy Father on 30 September 2010 in the Apostolic Exhortation 'Verbum Domini'. Finally, on 21 September last year, Benedict XVI, Apostolic Letter in the form of 'Motu Proprio', 'Ubicumque et Semper', instituted the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization. The

in short, the Church, to meet the challenge of the new evangelization, invites us to prepare ourselves for this great mission. And the preparation is to first take us the path to holiness, that path that we want to go and lead others.

But that road we must travel to achieve holiness necessarily passes through the encounter with the truth contained in the Word of God, and the encounter with the Living, which offers full and pour in the Eucharist, as the Truth and the Life is Christ . Only our establishment in the Truth and our participation in the life of Christ we need to infuse the warmth and wisdom necessary to exit without fear and with clear mind to meet the men of our time, as marked by the absence of any horizon significance and, therefore, fasting prisoners hope and networks of relativism, which leads inevitably to the decline in nihilistic pluralism.

The essential principle Christian vision of life is thus the primacy of grace, that is, the primacy of the Word of God, the Logos, Christ, and the primacy of the Word of God made flesh, that it is the Jesus Christ, Truth and Life of the world, truly and substantially present in the Eucharist.

Therefore, the encounter with the Truth and the Life of Christ is the necessary condition of possibility of any work of evangelization and of all pastoral planning.

And this meeting will consist primarily and fundamentally in prayer, which takes the form of 'lectio divina' in regard to Holy Scripture and charges the form of worship of Christ in the Sacrament with respect to the Eucharist.

Indeed, prayerful approach to the sacred text (lectio divina) is a key factor in the spiritual life of every believer (cf. DV 86). And it is even Eucharistic adoration, which is but a natural continuation of the celebration of the Eucharist, which is itself the greatest act of worship of the Church (SC 66). In the background, receive the Eucharist means adoring him whom we receive. Tan

great importance is the prayer of adoration of the Eucharist, Pope Benedict XVI earnestly recommended practice to the pastors of the Church and the People of God. More than that, the Pope advised to be very helpful in providing an adequate catechesis explaining to the faithful the importance of this act of worship. He also contends that, among the various forms of Eucharistic adoration, there is one, continuous and perpetual adoration, which is the most radical, since it involves the worship of the Blessed Sacrament for 24 hours a day. Benedict XVI urged the bishops of the Church that, especially in densely populated areas, churches or oratories seek to devote themselves to perpetual adoration (cf. SC 67). And the Pope recommended, finally, that "to the catechetical formation, especially in their preparation for First Communion, children start on the meaning and the beauty of being with Jesus encouraging awe before his presence in the Eucharist "(SC 67).

† Manuel Ureña Pastor
Metropolitan Archbishop of Zaragoza

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weekly Letter from the Bishop of Barbastro-Monzón
for Sunday March 27, 2011

"So serious is the abortion as so you have to be the bishop who forgive this sin? "asked a woman surprised to learn that the absolution of this sin is" reserved "to the bishop or priest that he designates. This helped him to understand that abortion is more serious than she thought.

Great is the suffering that women go through when they decide to abort, but this suffering increases after having done so. Almost there is always a moral trauma that does not disappear easily. In many cases experience also a great loneliness. And the call of motherhood is battered in the depths of his being. Have found support for abortion but then left alone with their suffering.

I turn to those who pass by this painful trance to tell you that the Church knows your suffering and wants to be with you. Do not be left alone with your pain, wants to help them overcome anxiety or depression that you may find you, I offer the Sacrament of Forgiveness and accompaniment need.

But before I provide you to help save the life of your child. He has the right to live, is a human being from the moment of conception and no one can take his life. Every woman should join the culture of life, not the culture of death. Come to me or your priests and find the support and guidance you may need for your child to live and you may become the rewarding experience of having brought a child into the world. The Church promotes various institutions to help them.

The celebration of International Day of Life encourages us to proclaim and celebrate the gift of life from conception until natural death as a primary and non-negotiable right of every human being.

said Mother Teresa, Nobel Peace Prize: "A society that kills their children, the most defenseless, the unborn, is a society without a future ... Children are not born yet are the poorest of the poor. Are so close to God! I always beg doctors from hospitals in India not ever kill a child. If nobody wants me I'll stay. " How many lives will be saved this sister!

is urgent prayer for life-John Paul II told us, that covers the whole world. That from every Christian community, from every group or association, from every family and from the heart of every believer, special initiatives and in daily prayer, rises a passionate plea to God, Creator and lover of life.

applaud the life sentence by the parishes of the city organized the last Barbastro Sunday of each month in the parish of St. Francis of Assisi. And encourage you to participate in it so that each day more numerous.

With my love and blessing.

Milian Alfonso Sorrentino †
Bishop of Barbastro-Monzón

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Why do not we talk about hell? (IV): Monitoring of faith and joyful hope

Notes for the day to day
by Archbishop Zaragoza emeritus

Sunday March 27, 2011

The Message of the Christian faith calls us to serious monitoring and joyful hope.

Jesus says: "He who rejects me and does not follow my words, and who has ordered: the word I have spoken will be his doom on the last day" (Jn 12.48). The sentencing trial is not decided divine Jesus, who came to save not to condemn (cf. Jn 12.47), is decided by a possible rejection or rejection of the man's offer of salvation that God does (cf. DS 411.8 º 1 , 1002).

The Christian concept of man vigorously affirms the personal nature of man and his partner status God's free. The man created by God as a personal and free, you can say 'yes' to the salvation freely offered by God. Offer salvation God offers his grace to say "yes." But this means that man can also say no to this offer free divine grace and love.

The reality of death requires that we decide at any time. Here we discover the meaning of life. Confidently deliver to know life in the hands of God is the supreme act of human freedom.

Elías Yanes Alvarez †
Archbishop Emeritus Zaragoza Lps Stickers

the first day of the week

weekly Letter from the Bishop of Lérida
for Sunday March 27, 2011

Sunday is
one of the first and most original Christian institutions by the fact that the Lord - Jesus rose and expressed his own "on the first day of the week", as evidenced by the four Gospels.

know that on Sunday, the day the Lord has been from the beginning, a joyous space for Christians and that Sunday and feasts of the Christian calendar are part of the cultural heritage of faith that is embodied in the people of our geography of Europe and anywhere in the world.

Still, for many people, it's good one day only justified by the need to re-energize for the rest of the week, to rest some excesses, to change the task, to be with the family or pursue their "hobby."

In many ways, Sunday and holidays, have values \u200b\u200bthat are commonly accepted by our pluralistic society and secularitzada, even when they have the cultural label Christian. The Christian holidays have been following the existence of individuals and peoples, adapting to the life cycle of nature and evolution of all the different tasks that are building the society and giving particular color to life. It is an aspect of our culture originally Christian is not always perceived and valued, influenced by an environment that seems to eliminate refeencia God and the transcendence of the social fabric. Jesus' disciples should live the holidays in a testimonial, as privileged to express our Christian identity and at the same time, expressing our solidarity in Christ with everyone.

We share the joy of the holidays (Rom.12, 15; Lluc 15,6.9) of the Christian calendar to mark the year and also have the ability to respond to find a meaning for the leisure and free time that modern man suffers. We must show that if we are not party to "entertain" or "kill" time, but to live at home and "fun" is a gift from God, as an inclusion of eternity in the life of every day.

Holidays are opportunities to live and experience the joy and anticipation as a pledge of full happiness that can only be achieved beyond the borders of this world, when the struggle will give way to peace, the mistrust and hatred to reconciliation the pain relief and human efforts to break from God.

Jesus made the world a path of hope that we do among all active month, with enthusiasm and living one's faith without complex, loving the world and time that have touched us and fighting for improvement.

Greetings from your brother bishop,

† Joan Piris Frígola
Bishop of Lérida

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Mary, Mother of the Word of God Lent Meditation

weekly Letter from the Bishop of Tarrasa
for Sunday March 27, 2011

The second chapter of the Apostolic Exhortation of Benedict XVI on the Word of God is dedicated to "the human response to God speaking." It is a fundamental theological synthesis on faith, as free human response to God, which enables it to enter into dialogue with his Creator.

Pope, from the issue of faith in response to the Word of God, raised an issue that is very concerned and is in the center of his teachings, on which also spoke on his recent trip to Santiago de Compostela and Barcelona. "In our time," he says sadly has become widespread, especially in the West, the idea that God is foreign to the life and problems of man and, moreover, that its presence can be even a threat to their autonomy. "Faced with this thought the Pope recalls the entire history of salvation shows that God speaks and acts in history in favor of men and their integral salvation.

And immediately expresses a very proper concern of a pastor of the Christian community by saying, "It is therefore important from a pastoral point of view to show the ability of the Word of God to discuss the problems that man has to face in everyday life. Therefore, we must make every effort necessary to show that the Word of God is a response to our questions, is a widening of their own values \u200b\u200band, while the satisfaction of one's aspirations "(n. 23).

And the Pope has chosen for this chapter a quote from an author beloved by him, the Franciscan St. Bonaventure, who dedicated his doctoral thesis. The quotation is from the play called Breviloquium and reads: "Sacred Scripture is precisely the book that are written words of eternal life to not only create but also possess eternal life, in which we see, we will love and will be filled with all our desires. "

bring this chapter a reference to St. Mary as Mater Dei and Mater fidei Verbi, ie "Mother of the Word of God" and "Mother of the faith." If sin is the rejection of the Word and dialogue with God, she is the perfect icon of everything behaves better than the fact of receiving the Word. All the Pope's document is a beloved Marian dimension. The Pope did not save the title to the Mother of Jesus, which also gives the title as Easter "Mother of joy." At the same time, recommended to theologians to deepen the relationship between Mary and the theology of the Word and all the faithful are asked appreciate and be diligent in addressing her with the traditional prayers of the Christians of East and West: the Angelus, the rosary and the hymn called Akátistos.

Mary, because of their intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, is also in the innermost center of Christian truth. And, with masterly sentence, the pope theologian, is reaffirmed with this beautiful expression: "Actually, you can not think of the Incarnation of the Word regardless of freedom of this young woman, whose consent to cooperate decisively the entry of the Eternal in time. She is the figure of the Church to listen to the Word of God that it was made flesh "(n. 27).

† Josep Angel Saiz Meneses
Bishop of Tarrasa

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weekly Letter from the Archbishop of Barcelona
for Sunday 27 March 2011

Sin is a very present reality, and the season of Lent is a time to remember and realize this. Jesus came to forgive sins. This has been the primary mission of the Son of God made man. The angel said so Joseph before the first Christmas story: "You have to put his name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."

The more we know God the more we know what sin is. The man, sin, rejects the love of God or looking to build his self and his world apart from God, as if it did not exist. The concept of sin can only be properly interpreted in the context of relationships with God. In the context of God's love led to the end we discover the truth of our sins and we recognize ourselves as sinners really.

read the Bible we realize that in each of its pages is found to exist sin, which explains the nature and malice. But the Bible also describes the constant love and unfailing mercy of God. The history of salvation is the story of repeated attempts by God the Creator to start the man of sin.

Nobody escapes the tendency to sin, as it is in each and every one of us. Universality and radical nature of sin is so great that Scripture speaks of the sin of the world, state of original sin and universal drop is performed on pre-existing personal sins, by which each is about this sin and sin within itself.

Sin has a dimension personal and social. Sin, in its proper sense, is a free act of the individual person has a personal origin and its consequences in the sinner himself. Every sin, however, even the most strictly individual, intimate and secret in some way affects others, since it has a social character.

not be confused consciousness of sin with a guilt complex. They are two different things. The first springs from a heart conscious of the primacy of love in Christian life and involves an act of responsibility. A person who has this consciousness, Christianity offers forgiveness and mercy. You need to be aware of sin to feel a desire operational conversion and change of life, as only those who recognize the disease sets off to find the appropriate remedy.

The guilt complex, however, born of fear, destroy the joy, immersed in sorrow and anxiety generated and self-contempt. Perhaps the evil of our time is that it takes a lot of awareness of sin and guilt very complex, as highlighted in the literature, art and psychology.

God is Father and does not want us locked up in a guilt complex that we ourselves and cloistered in a sterile anguish. John Paul II, in one of his encyclicals, reminded us that God is "rich in mercy" and constantly manifests his omnipotence forgiving our sins. Therefore, John Paul II wanted the second Sunday of Easter was also called "Divine Mercy Sunday." It is significant that it is precisely at this event, which this year falls on the first day of May, when it will be beatified, the first Polish pope in history.

Lluís Martínez † Sistach
Metropolitan Archbishop of Barcelona

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The new evangelization

weekly Letter from the Archbishop of Tarragona
for Sunday March 27, 2011

few weeks ago I referred to the Gospel mandate expressed by Jesus himself, to evangelize all peoples. Today I wish to address the issue of the "new evangelization" as he called John Paul II referring to the need to return to countries with a great story Christian faith that guided previous generations and many have lost. It was during his first trip to Poland in 1979, when, remembering the grand cross of Nowa Huta that challenged the official atheism, Pope John Paul II spoke for the first time the need for this new evangelization.

Pope wanted the teachings of Vatican II were to all nations, but also see that countries like Italy, France, Spain, Ireland and Europe in general, away from its Christian roots, symbol of which was the denial that contained neither a reference to them in the European Constitution was being drafted and ultimately fell through.

whole Church was in pain the removal of Christian and sacramental practice of many people and the emergence of laws passed by parliament in favor of ways of life-or-phase and for structures family at odds not only with the Christian view, but even with the same nature.

At the same time, however, note a thirst for God, perhaps for many young unknown god. Is that we have to advertise. This thirst for God is evident in the search for new spiritualities and disappointment with regard to offers of a consumer society that seems to be self-sufficient.

The Church needs to make its voice heard in this world more eager than ever to real evidence. Is there now a lot of confusion between real and virtual world? There are many people who visit online social networks for constructed its own image and to relate to others. Costs several times to distinguish reality from appearance, what is true than it is a hoax. Nothing can replace the example of a person consistent with his ideas and beliefs. Perhaps this is the key to the admiration of the said Pope John Paul II, whose tomb records 23,000 visits per day as reported by L'Osservatore Romano.

This same consistency of life is what we are called Christians. Our area of \u200b\u200bevangelization is about: the environment in which we move, starting with our family, friends and coworkers. Also for people in need, old age, illness, or living in harsh conditions of immigrant.

The new evangelization is here, just around the corner, is the work of each. It should be an overflow of our love for God.

† Jaume Pujol Balcells
Metropolitan Archbishop of Tarragona

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Young people confirmed

Letter from the Bishop of Tui-Vigo
young newly confirmed

Dear Young:

Upon receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, you have just a new step in the Christian way of your life. This step confirms what we have received in Baptism. At that time you were the sons of God and disciples of Jesus incorporated into the Church to be among the world witnessed the love of God for all men and women.

Through the sacrament of Confirmation have been linked more fully to the Church. The Holy Spirit has been enriched with special strength so that, in word and deed, you may be diffusers and defenders of the faith as true witnesses of Christ.

For you, have received confirmation today has meant a reunion with the Church. Now, for this sacrament, Christ himself has given the Holy Spirit, that as his disciples, you will continue your way and you feel that the Lord's life is in you.

In this year 2011 we will live with the whole Church an extraordinary event. From 16 to 21 August in Madrid, will celebrate the WORLD YOUTH DAY. Pope Benedict XVI will be with us and with all young people to light up our lives with the Word of Jesus, to confirm and encourage our faith and our mission in the world: to know Jesus.

So please to participate in this meeting and, as a witness of Jesus, encourage others yourself. That these conferences are, by force of the Holy Spirit and the testimony of young people, a source of hope and joy for everyone.

† Luis Quinteiro Fiuza
Bishop of Tui-Vigo
Adm. Apost. Ourense

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Pastoral Letter
Bishop of Calahorra and La Calzada-Logroño
to children in First Communion

Dear children:

Receive my greeting Bishop, a big salute and happy, because Jesus loves you very much to you, to all children, all small. I congratulate you because soon receive their First Communion, ie to receive Jesus, the Son of God who is present in that piece of bread of the Eucharist. Yes, although it seems incredible and impossible, there is the Lord

Take and eat this is my body, Jesus said the Holy Thursday in the Passover meal concluded with the apostles. And if the priest says these words, when celebrating the Eucharist, there is the Lord. What a mystery! Right? Jesus really does wonderful things, amazing and wonderful, healing the sick, turns water into wine, raise the dead and is present in the bread of the Eucharist ...

I do not know if you know what happened in Rome For many years, while Gregory the Great celebrating the Eucharist. A woman approached and began to communicate to laugh, because he doubted the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine consecrated. The Pope, puzzled. rebuked him and asked the reason for this attitude. The woman was justified by saying that not quite understand how it was that the bread, which she had prepared with his hands, and that glass of wine now, thanks to the words of consecration, to become the Body and Blood Christ. The Pope stood in prayer and asked God to enlighten. When he finished his prayer, he saw that the bread became the body of the Lord. The woman, with great regret, he knelt and began to mourn. I'm sure his heart would say those precious words spoken by the apostle St. Thomas, when he saw the Risen and touched his wounds, he also doubted that Christ had risen: My Lord and my God!

also wish you, dear children who receive Jesus for the first time, pronunciéis those same words, that brief prayer, My Lord and my God, when asistáis Mass and worship the Lord, after the consecration, and when you receive him into communion.

What luck, what a joy so great, to have as close to the same God made bread, and it can be get inside of you!

Is not that where your parents expect a visit, trying to tidy the house? Strive you also clean out your heart to receive the Lord. You know that your heart is clean when there is a lot of love to Jesus when we pray, when we do what pleases him and when we are without sin. So I ask you not cease to pray, to do what pleases the Lord and to confess often and whenever you have committed sins. The Sacrament of Confession is God's embrace, a hug filled with love and mercy for every one of us. How well Jesus expressed when he said: There is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety and nine just persons who have no need of repentance. What joy to know and live is that Jesus forgives sins! You know that happens when the priest who represents Christ, says: "I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Your

catechists who you really want, I have taught many prayers. Do not fail to pray them. Strive daily prayers. Pray at the beginning of the day when you rise, and at night before going to sleep, and also pray before meals. Prayer is to thank God for everything we have and receive, we ask for forces be better, is to ask to give us a good heart to always do good.

Put in your room a picture of Jesus or the Virgin Mary and pray to that image. Tell her what happens to you, as you describe what your parents or friends. Behold, God always hears us and gives us what we need, I do mean what we need, because one thing is what we and other what we should or need. Often recalled these words of Jesus: Come unto me all who are weary and burdened and I will refresh you.

sure your parents love you both (I have given their lives and take care of you), think to prepare something for the day holiday of your First Communion. Tell them that the party is nice but simple. It is not necessary to make large expenditures. The important thing is that that day is much love in the hearts of all and a strong faith in God who comes to you, your families. Tell them also that it is not necessary to receive lots of gifts that you just a little something simple. Your enthusiasm will be filled in some detail. You know that many children do not have as many things as you. So I make a suggestion: do you want to bring happiness to children like you, who have almost nothing to live? This year each of you could you give a donation of many who are about to receive, the children of Africa in Kenya, a country where a missionary working in La Rioja, a native of Autol, called Padre Tomás Herreros, and belongs to the Congregation of the Comboni missionaries. It takes many years working in Africa. Sure you would love to support their work with Kenyan children of your age as you. Ask you to help him buy the furniture (chairs, desks, blackboards ...) and bunk beds for secondary school Chelopoy Parish. Surely you will be very generous.

And let me ask you a question: do you not like to be missionaries? Would not you like you can go on missions when you get older, so that others may know and love Jesus and like you receive Communion? Do not forget to pray to Jesus for the missionaries. They are wonderful, they have left everything they have learned to speak other languages \u200b\u200band share their lives with the poor of the earth. They serve wonderful the work of Jesus: Go into the world and preach the Gospel. Jesus Pray often to avoid missing missionaries, for many young people respond generously to the Lord's call.

I do not want to say goodbye to you, not before saying that you continue to love and long for your parents, siblings and grandparents. Be obedient and collaborate with them at all, that ye may, with the help of God, a happy, united family.

If any of you are encouraged to respond to this letter, to tell me about Jesus, or your friendship with him, just write me. The bishop will bring time to answer them personally to each one.

Dear Parents: Vivid

forward with great joy, this precious moment of life and growth of your children: the time of the First Communion, the time of immediate preparation. They live with great interest and clearly believe in the gifts and costumes, but they do not distraigáis with these things, help them to live that first things first: communion, receive Jesus, prepare a clean heart, a heart good people. And let them know that you prepare the feast that is why, for God is on your family through them and you are very happy! Help them to grow in faith, in friendship with God. I say the same thing said Pope Benedict XVI to the parents of a group of children who received First Communion on May 10, 2009 in Amman (Jordan):

That every Christian family to grow in faithfulness to this noble vocation to be a genuine school of prayer, in which children learn the true love of God, mature self-discipline and attention to the needs of others, and which, shaped by the wisdom that comes from of faith, contribute to building a society more just and fraternal society. Strong Christian families of this land is a large inheritance from previous generations. Today's families are faithful to this great heritage and never miss the material and moral support they need to play their indispensable role in the service of society.

Be true examples of faith, love and work for the coexistence of all, without edging to anyone, and for peace. Let your children learn from you to remain steadfast in the Christian faith and the good work, in an honest life, hardworking and open to the brotherhood, mutual aid.

May God watch over your families and always fill you with blessings.

I want and I bless you,

† Juan Jose Omella Omella
Bishop of Calahorra and La Calzada-Logroño

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2011 First Communion Day for Life Among

weekly Letter from the Bishop of Huesca and Jaca
for Sunday March 27, 2011

Dear brothers in the Lord, I wish you grace and peace.

"There's always a reason to live" is the theme of the Day for Life this year, held on March 25, Solemnity of the Annunciation.

Bishops of the Subcommittee for Defense Family and Life have written a note to remember: "It's huge maternal work of the Church that always welcomes all men, especially when they suffer, recognizing in his pain crucified Christ himself. We can only thank and promote the work of many of our brothers in the accompaniment of unborn life and families in children's homes and elderly without resources, in homes for children with physical or mental disabilities; in homes for the mentally ill or drug recovery centers; in care and care for AIDS patients, in soup kitchens and shelters for those who are homeless, in hospitals or clinics sponsored by the Church to show the love of Christ with the sick in the vast network of Caritas or the many projects undertaken by many religious and lay people committed to the poor. "

They added: "This enormous fertility Church is the witness without words that recognizes the greatness and sacred dignity of human beings and expressed the certainty that God's love embraces every life caring and sharing."

"The Gospel Life is at the heart of Jesus' message, "said John Paul II in his encyclical" Evangelium Vitae "(EV 1). And trust the cause of the life to Mary, the dawn of the new world, Mother of the living, with these words: "Let those who believe in your Son may proclaim with firmness and love to the people of our time the Gospel of life. Obtain for them the grace to accept as a gift ever new, the joy of celebrating it with gratitude throughout their lives and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely, to build, together with all people of good will, the civilization of truth and love, to the praise and glory of God the Creator and lover of life " (EV 105).

Announce and make present the indestructible love of God brings light and meaning to life of every human being is the heart of the mission of the Church.

John Paul II wrote: "It is urgent for a general mobilization of consciences and a united ethical effort to implement a great strategy for life. All together we build a new culture of life: new, to be able to confront and solve the problems of today on the life of man; new, to be taken with a firmer conviction and active for all Christians; new, because it may raise a serious cultural event and brave to all "(EV 95).

We must continue working hard for a new culture of life, and we are inspired and sustained by the confidence of knowing that the Gospel of life, as the Kingdom of God, grows, develops and produces abundant fruit .

introducing the core of his mission, Jesus himself tells us: "I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly" (Jn 10.10).

Receive my cordial greeting and my blessing.

Juián Ruiz † Martorell
Bishop of Huesca and Jaca

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Japan and

weekly Letter from the Archbishop of Oviedo
for Sunday March 27, 2011

Dear friends and brothers, Peace and Well. That
amazing ... This a beautiful book titled P. Pedro Arrupe, Jesuit who lived and saw in person when the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Naghasaki during the Second World War. A Japanese incredible what came as a result of wartime destruction always absurd. But amazing everything also raised as moral rearmament and solidarity among those people at St. Francis Xavier brought the light of the Gospel.

again has returned to East incredible this noble people, when you had to cope with a natural catastrophe like an earthquake and a tsunami that was not on the trade agenda, market and technology as leading industrialized country. It almost seems ironic counterpoint, but has highlighted the fragility of our human condition, which puts us well when we bare our security high-end Japanese techniques, or when we are naked and without belonging to any technology a pariah of the third world as the forgotten people of Haiti.

Crying innocent children, the terror of adults, the powerlessness which surpasses and overwhelms us, suddenly we have removed the secondary troubles, which always becomes less important when the things that are of really get into a fatal question. Yes, the scenes that we saw and heard made us hostages in solidarity with the information to peek without macabre curiosity to something terrible, when we imposed a humble realism that makes us look at life differently, as otherwise , which in so many ways that look is light and becomes sought in prayer.

Maybe we become used to so great tragedy if suddenly made so much common that could be repeated. And though we refuse to admit it, there are however cases that we have made repeated so insensitive to put his name to drama, to ask for the why, to retrace the paths wrong and leading to sail the good and truth .

Not only Japan these days, not only Haiti and many other places that suffer the thousand vicissitudes of proof by natural disasters, dictatorial madness by irresponsible and partisan policies, for selfish economies. But in the short biography of each person in the interpersonal relationship of our meager world, laws and policy options of a country, there also defines our way of seeing life. All of life: the unborn, of the growing uncertainty or safety, which has suffered setbacks or congratulations, the bursting of which sick or health, which fulfills years of age who finishes. All life is important to us with your name, your circumstances, age, home. And over all of life we \u200b\u200bwant to meet God's blessing.

the 25th of March is an important liturgical festival, we celebrate the Incarnation of God, when He became flesh in the womb of a woman pure virgin named Mary of Nazareth. It was another of the young to the life of God, and God's Yes to all men in the womb of Mary. Everything that affects the lives of people, whether at the time they are, belong to the people they belong to, are embedded in cultures or beliefs or any policies or economies, that life is not indifferent to God. We are his children, although many men and women do not recognize him as Father. Yes, there's always a reason to live. Life is amazing, incredibly beautiful even in its most harsh and dim, when God is allowed to cuddle and kiss through the pure hands and committed, through lips that tell us about your Good News.

Receive my love and blessing,

Br † Jesús Sanz Montes, OFM
Metropolitan Archbishop of Oviedo

How Do I Know If My Toyota Camry Has Bluetooth

life Mass at the Ash Wednesday

Homily of Bishop Julian Ruiz Martorell
Bishop of Huesca and Jaca

SI Huesca Cathedral
March 9, 2011

We saith the Lord through the prophet Joel: "We (...)" Turn to me with all your heart. " And he repeated: "return to the Lord your God." Then explained why: "because it is compassionate and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in love, and regret the threats." God's compassion, mercy, loyalty, are the cause of our conversion. Conversion means to return, turn, modify the path.

St. Paul said in the second reading: "In Christ's name we ask be reconciled to God. (...) I urge you not to take on deaf ears the grace of God, for he says: "In time I have heard you on the day of salvation came to your aid ', for behold, now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation."

Lent is the time preceding and has the celebration of Easter. Time listening to the Word of God and conversion, report preparation and baptism, reconciliation with God and with brothers, more frequent recourse to prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

start these forty days of penance, with the austere symbol of ashes. Own ancient rites with which converted sinners undergoing to canonical penance, gesture filled with ash has the sense to recognize the fragility and mortality, which needs to be redeemed by the mercy of God. Far from being a purely external gesture is a sign of the attitude of a penitent heart that every baptized person is called to have during Lent, with an inner meaning that is open to conversion and renewal effort Easter.

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has written a "Message for Lent" in which he presents this liturgical period as a very valuable and important in the "ecclesial community, assiduous in prayer and charity operational her (...) intensifies their way to purify the spirit, more wealth for the mystery of redemption new life in Christ the Lord. " He added: "This same life as we passed the day of baptism, when 'to participate in the death and resurrection of Christ' began for us 'joyful and exciting adventure of the disciple'." "Baptism (...) is not a rite of the past, but the encounter with Christ that makes up the entire existence of baptism, God gives life and calls him a sincere conversion, initiated and sustained by grace, to take you to reach adult height of Christ. " "A direct link with links to Baptism Lent as a favorable time to experience the grace that saves. "

claims the Pope: "To take seriously the way to prepare to celebrate Easter and the Resurrection of the Lord most joyous and solemn celebration of the entire liturgical year," what could be more appropriate to be guided by Word of God? "

" Our dive into the death and resurrection of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism, drives us every day to free our heart the weight of material things, a selfish link with the "earth" impoverishes us and prevents us from being available and open to God and neighbor. In Christ, God has revealed himself as Love (cf. 1 Jn 4.7 to 10). The Cross of Christ, the "word of the Cross expresses the saving power of God (cf. 1 Cor 1, 18), which is given to man up and bring salvation: love in its most radical (cf. Enc . Deus Caritas Est, 12). By traditional practices of fasting, almsgiving and prayer, expressions of commitment to conversion, educates Lent live ever more radical love of Christ. "

1 º) FASTING "acquired for the deeply religious Christian meaning: becoming poorer our table we learn to overcome selfishness to live in the logic of the gift and love, enduring the deprivation of something - not only superfluous, we learn to look away from our "self" to discover anyone on our side and acknowledge God in the faces of many of our brothers. For the Christian fasting is nothing intimate, but mostly open to God and the needs of men, and makes love to God is also love of neighbor (cf. Mk 12, 31.

2 º ) charity. "On our way we also found the temptation of having, of greed for money, which snare the primacy of God in our lives. The desire to possess provokes violence, transgression and death is why the Church, especially in the Lenten season, recalls the practice of almsgiving, that is, the ability to share. The idolatry of the goods, however, not only away from the other, but deprives man, what makes you unhappy, is cheating, what disappoints without realizing what it promises, because it puts material things in the place of God, the only source of life. How to understand the paternal goodness of God if the heart is full of oneself and one's own projects, with which we have no illusions that we can secure the future? (...). The practice of almsgiving, reminds us of the primacy of God and care for others, to rediscover our good Father and receive his mercy. "

3 º) PRAYER. "Throughout the period of Lent, the Church offers us a particular abundance of God's Word. Meditating and internalising to live every day, learn a precious and irreplaceable form of prayer, for the attentive ear of God who still speaks to our hearts, nourish the faith journey that began on the day of Baptism. Prayer enables us to also acquire a new conception of time: indeed, without the prospect of eternity and transcendence, just check our steps toward a horizon that has no future. In prayer we find, however, time to God, to know that "their words will not pass" (Mk 13, 31), to enter into intimate communion with him that "no one can take away" (cf. Jn 16, 22) and that opens us to the hope that never fails to eternal life. "

"In short, during Lent, which invites us to contemplate the mystery of the cross is" becoming like him in his death "(Phil 3, 10), to carry out a deep conversion of our lives: let us be transformed by the action of the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul on the road to Damascus decisively orient our existence by the will of God, free us from our selfishness, overcoming the instinct to dominate others and looking forward to the charity of Christ. The Lenten season is the favorable moment to recognize our weaknesses, accept, with a sincere examination of life, renewing grace of the Sacrament of Penance and walk resolutely towards Christ. "

Jesus has warned us in the Gospel: "Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be seen by them, otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven." And he stressed the value of the secret:

1) "When you give alms, do not let your left hand what your right, so that your alms may be in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret will repay you. "

2) "When you go to pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret will repay you."

3) "When you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting will note, not people, but your Father which is in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret will reward. "

Calphalon Steel Rainbowing

Given the regional and municipal elections of May 22, 2011

Note of Bishops of the
Ecclesiastical Province of Madrid
to the regional and municipal elections of May 22

As before, the bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Madrid, to the regional and municipal elections the next day May 22, we recall some basic principles that must be taken into account when exercising freely and responsibly on the right and duty to vote, this is a very important contribution to the common good of society.

The responsible exercise of the vote requires a sufficient knowledge of all the election manifestos of political parties and a careful discernment of the measures proposed to implement them. Furthermore, Catholics must act according to the dictates of a well-formed conscience on the principles of right reason and Magisterium of the Church, in particular its social doctrine, so that they can "choose among political views consistent with faith and natural law, one that, according to their own criteria, what best corresponds to the requirements of the common good. "

should be taken into account in this regard, the following principles:

1. The right to life must be effectively protected at all stages of the existence of the person, from conception to natural death. No real or perceived personal or social good can justify the elimination of an innocent human being by abortion - including so-called morning-after pill - or euthanasia.

2. The right to religious freedom must also be protected. Which implies the need to respect places of worship and religious symbols, as well as protection of expression and public assessment of religious beliefs, especially the Catholic faith, configurations of our cultural and moral heritage.

3. The family must be the subject of specific recognition and careful promotion. Laws and administrative rules should recognize protect and promote the institution of marriage, without which life can not be familiar. According to right reason, enlightened by faith, the institution of marriage is based on the consortium of life of a man and a woman freely and definitively established for the fulfillment of the spouses and procreation. The protection of the family also required to facilitate access to decent housing and a job commensurate with family demands, in particular young people.

4. It must recognize and protect the right of parents to educate their children according to their religious, moral and educational. Which implies that it can actually do both social initiative in the creation and management of schools, such as the free choice of the same, and it involves state schools refrain from imposing a particular religious or moral education by providing more training for parents or students choose in this field, in particular, the teaching of Catholic religion and morality, so many seek.

5. It must promote a just economic order, to facilitate the exercise of a fairly-paid work and to provide special care arrangements for people most affected by the economic crisis and labor, as well as for those who are in a situation marginalization or special needs: immigrants, the sick, elderly, dependent, etc.

pray to the Lord and Santa Maria that the forthcoming elections will contribute to promoting the common good in the municipalities of our diocese and in the Autonomous Community of Madrid.

Madrid, March 22, 2011

Card. Antonio M ª Rouco Varela
Metropolitan Archbishop of Madrid

Juan Antonio † Reig Pla
Bishop of Alcalá de Henares

Joaquín M ª López de Andujar and Canovas del Castillo
Bishop of Getafe

Fidel Herráez Vegas
Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid

† César A. Franco Martinez
Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid

† Rafael Zornoza Boy
Auxiliary Bishop of Getafe

† Juan Antonio Martínez Camino
Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid

2010 Hunting Leases Nc

March 25, Day for Life: What is the human embryo?

weekly Letter from the Bishop of Teruel and Albarracín
for Sunday March 27, 2011

Perhaps the question of title is not well formulated. More than what, the right thing would be to ask who the human embryo. In our response to this question will depend, ultimately, our position on the issue.

If we follow the method proposed personalist bioethics do a triple approach to the subject: the philosophical, ethical and legal. First, try to define the status of the embryo from a philosophical-anthropological perspective, that is, from what this is. When I stand before the embryo, science me I'm just saying no to a living being, but this belongs to the human species: "it is clear that, in a dispassionate view, if I think the coordination, continuity and given the gradual development of the embryo, these properties perfectly meet the essential criteria set by reflection tabiológica me for the definition of an individual .... Therefore, the embryo from the moment of fusion of gametes is a real human individual, not a potential human individual. "

But that individual of the human species: a person? In the philosophical debate (not legal), the human being "is" virtual person tude of rational nature, not "becomes" person because the effective exercise of certain functions (such as the ability to relate, the sensitivity, rationality). Being a person as an ontological, ie, possession of a substantial personal status can not be purchased or decrease gradually, but it is a condition ra - ciation: no person can be today and tomorrow cease to be or vice versa. The absence (defined as failure to act or deprivation) of the properties or functions does not negate the existence of the person itself, which remains such by nature, as it exists before its qualities.

The functions are "person", not "the" person: the po session of certain qualities or the manifestation of certain functions are not "induce" the presence of the person, but on the contrary, the per son is the real condition of the possibility of the existence and operation of certain functions. The consequence is that the zygote, embryo, fetus (same as the infant or child) are as people.

Clearly there is a gap between being in itself and as this is obvious: the embryo or dying do not appear to us in their size, as his conscience, as an adult man. But the incomplete expression does not change its ontological status, being a person.

According to this reasoning, once defined who the embryo, ie, its ontological status, it will come from an ethical and a legal status.

From the ethical point of view, recognizing that the human embryo is a person is making a statement that implies some requirements. This is more than a cognosci tive data: a theoretical knowledge and indifferent with no obligation for anything. If I say that the human embryo is a person, it becomes a source of ethics and, therefore, of obligation and responsibility to the freedom of the individual who stands before the subject. When I'm on a human life, I have a moral obligation protect it.

This debate is particularly important to our concept of freedom. This should always be referred to the right and must never become an absolute to which it might be possible to render a life in the moment there is a conflict of freedoms: freedom of the mother and embryo, the old terminal the family. If that happens, would result in a flawed proposal of what freedom is and its responsible exercise. Defined

the ontological and pointed the ethical, legal should be a consequence of these and protect, where appropriate, the life of the weakest. We

to a social debate in which we must be the voice of the voiceless. The Church is clear. This was advocated by John Paul II, "can never justify the killing of an innocent." At this historic moment, we do our those words.

† Carlos Escribano Subías
Bishop of Teruel and Albarracín

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Mass on the Solemnity San Jose with the ordination of deacons

Homily of Bishop Vicente Jiménez Zamora
Bishop of Santander

SI Catedral de Santander
March 19, 2011

Dear Luis Angel and Manuel Ángel, candidates for the Order of Deacons, priests, deacons, parents and families of our ordained; readers and acolytes, members consecrated life, seminarians and lay faithful.

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph, "Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a just man, born of the lineage of David, who acted as father to the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who declined to be named son of Joseph, and he was subjected as a child to his father. The Church venerates with special honor as an employer, to whom the Lord was on his family "(Praise the Roman Martyrology).

Today we also celebrate the Day of the Seminar, with the slogan: "The priest, God's gift to the world." A Journey to thank God for the gift of priests to his Church to the life of the world and to pray for priestly vocations.

The Church places the seminars under the faithful care of San Jose, head of the household of Nazareth, where Jesus was prepared as in the first seminar in the years of her life hidden from the mission the Father had trust: a prophet, priest and king.

Today is a big day for our Diocese. Rejoice Church of Santander, in Cantabria and the pilgrims Valle de Mena, because two of your children are elected to the Order of Deacon!

Here we are with you, dear Manuel Angel and Luis Ángel: priests and our Monte Seminar Corban complete (superiors, professors, seminarians and service personnel), your parents, siblings and family members of your parishes your pastors, people and friends, especially young people, of the Diocese and elsewhere. We want to tuck, to join you in thanking God and praying for you. I congratulate you, the seminar and your families.

Solemnity of St. Joseph

The Church celebrates the feast of San Jose in the season of Lent. It is not an obstacle on the way to Easter, but a help to deepen the mystery of the plan of salvation. In the liturgy of this day there are three characters: David, Abraham and Joseph, united by the common denominator of service to God's plans. And it corresponds well with the ministry of the deacon, whose job is to serve.

God promises his servant David offspring which will be born the Messiah (1 Lect.). Joseph, husband of Mary, is the last link in the offspring of David. It is just and faithful man that the Lord put in front of the family of Nazareth (Ev.). Joseph as the new Abraham is the believer who believed against hope, and faithfully served God's plans (2 Lect.).

Deacon Ministry

Dear Luis Angel and Manuel Angel: Now you are going to be ordained deacons, should you consider carefully what accedéis ministry in the Church.

Strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit, you will help the bishop and his priests in the notice a word in the service of the altar and the ministry of charity, by showing all servers. As ministers of the altar proclaim the Gospel only prepare the sacrifice and the faithful shall divide the Body and Blood of Christ.

also commissioned by the bishop, the faithful exhortaréis, teaching the holy doctrine; presidiréis sentences; administraréis Baptism; asistiréis and bless the marriage, shall bear the allowance presidiréis the dying and funeral rites.

deacons In your condition, ie, servants of Jesus Christ, who was among the server disciples, following God's will gladly and washing the feet of the apostles, serve with love and joy to both God and men. And no one can serve two masters, keep in mind that any impurity or desire for money is slavery to idols.

Al free access to the Order of Deacon, as well as those men chosen by the Apostles to the ministry of charity, of which we speak the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 6: 1-7); you also must testify to the good, filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom.

The seminar and the work of vocations

To get to this point, I have prepared a long time in the seminary is a school of fidelity to Christ, his Church and his own vocation and mission. So today is also a holiday for the family of the Seminar (Rector, Trainers, Teaching staff, seminarians, service personnel).

Today is a day of harvest of mature fruits in the vocation of thanksgiving to God for the gift that makes us. Hopefully promise and portent of new vocations to the minor and major seminaries for the priesthood.

From here I make a call to continue working together for the vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life and the commitment of the lay Christian. We need these vocations in our Diocese of Santander and the universal Church needs.

The Lord said to the preachers sent to the fields: "The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9, 38) . Therefore, upon hearing these words, we can not help but feel some concern, because we must recognize that while there are people, children, youth and adults who want to hear good things are missing, sometimes, those engaged in show (cf. St. Gregory the Great, Hom 17 on the Gospels).

Vocations exist, but must be sought. God calls his love free enterprise. But he wants to call by our people. There should be no fear of proposing to a young person directly, or less young, the Lord's call. God is always calling, but it is necessary to promote listening to his call and encourage generosity and courage of the response. Search for vocations is also proposing them.

Christ usually called by us and our word. Therefore, do not be afraid to call. Introduced among the young. Id personally to meet them and knock. The mission vocations is all and is "designed to care for the birth, discernment and support of vocations, including vocations to the priesthood" (PDV 34).


In the Eucharist we are celebrating Christ's sacrifice upgrade your faithful service to the Father's will and generous men.

May the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Christ, in his vocation of giving and generosity, is a mirror of life and vocation. To her we entrust our Workshop Monte Corban, the work of priestly vocations, and the ministry of deacon now begin our brothers, Manuel Angel and Luis Angel, who would give a warm and earnest congratulations.

May the Eucharist, in which we participate, sacramentally represents the ultimate act of service of Christ, offering to the Father for us, as gift and task for our lives. Amen.

Monica Rocaforte Online

Lent, call to conversion and penance. Gesture of Lent 2011: "Fast, share, pray"

Pastoral Letter of the Bishop of Santander
occasion of Lent 2011

Before Lent 2011, I appeal to all the diocese with the words of Jesus: "It The time has come and is near the kingdom of God. Repent and believe the Gospel "(Mk 1, 15). Lent is a time of grace to make the journey with Jesus to Easter.

Pope Benedict XVI in his message for Lent this year 2011 writes: "The period of Lent is a favorable moment to recognize our weaknesses, accept, with a sincere examination of conscience, the renewing grace of the Sacrament of Penance and walk resolutely towards Christ. " For years in our diocese of Santander there is a joyful experience and supportive called GESTURE OF LENT, with the slogan: "fast, share, pray."

Is a campaign organized by our Diocesan Caritas, through a money-box Lent, by which the parishes, religious communities, families and lay faithful live the spirit of Lent. For the fast inwardly we are liberated from our bondage and sin, to share our possessions with the poor and needy enter into communion in solidarity with them through prayer we hear the Word of God who calls us to conversion.

This year the 2011 Lenten Campaign Gesture proposes four different projects. They are:

AFRICA. Purchase of land for the center Cultural Universitario (CCU) at the University of Soa (Yaounde, Cameroon).

ASIA. Goat project for self-employment.

AMERICA. Full training facility for training and childhood "La Merced" Jacotenango-Sacatepequez, Guatemala. SANTANDER

. Economic support for maintaining "Home Bethlehem", which welcomes people with AIDS.

The Lenten Campaign Gesture raised last year 2010 the amount of 144,934, 13 Euros. Thank you all for your generosity!. With this pastoral letter strongly encourage all diocesan fasting, sharing and prayer, being caring and generous, once again, despite the economic and social crisis, with our poor brothers and helpless. The Lord who is present in the poor we will reward you.

† Vicente Jiménez Zamora
Bishop of Santander