Saturday, December 11, 2010

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Cootrapar offers its shares to the State to nationalize Acepar ACEPAR


Workers Cooperative Acepar (Cootrapar), shareholder 33.3% of the shares of Aceros del Paraguay SA (ACEP), proposes to nationalize the main steel back in the country. The workers' organization claims that the government does not provide legal security for workers, employers remain. The President of the Board of Directors of Cootrapar, Hugo González Chirico, handed a note as President of the Republic, led to Fernando Lugo. In the letter detailing the intentions of the workers.

"After several complaints of violations of the most basic rights, the Ministry of Justice and Labour, headed by Humberto Blasco, has done more to launder and make do the act of the employer Sergio Taselli. For all this, plus the allegations made by the Cooperative, which is shown by documents, which Taselli (Argentine businessman Acepar majority shareholder) has ripped off to Paraguay for thirty million dollars (30,000,000 USD), we propose to his government that partially renacionalice Acepar acquiring the shares that are now in workers' hands, "says the document.

the words of the workers, after seven months of strike, thanks to the complicity of the Supreme Court, which outlawed far, nearly 400 workers on the street. "The same Court that had ratified the Collective Bargaining Agreement on Working Conditions (SITRACEN - Acepar. 1995), and Sergio Taselli, Argentine businessman owns 66.6% of the shares of Acepar, refused to comply."

employees of the former state steel had gone on strike seeking the enforcement of labor rights. As part of the protests seven officials were prosecuted, "the product of a tax-mafia police that it produced false documentation authentic content to the arrest of the workers. "

Cootrapar remarks that, as well as on several occasions, businessmen from several sectors, have shown that in this country can not work due to legal uncertainty, they are the best example of how state institutions can not guarantee that the rights some workers, employers are respected.

Taselli aims to cut workers' actions

The cooperative Taselli reported that Sergio is in a campaign aimed at destroying the Acepar Workers Union and then to strike at Cootrapar, for Partners will sell their shares at a bargain price. "There is a tremendous need for people, the product of a seven-month strike. There are workers with debts of around ten, twenty and thirty million Gs. Given this reality, the Board of Directors of the Cooperative must find a solution, "said Hugo Gonzalez Chirico.

According to workers, Taselli is blackmailing workers to be reinstated to the company, in return for handing Cootrapar actions and take everything.
"As we do not want to be complicit in this, because the spirit of the Constitution was to enable us to be workers and entrepreneurs, I agree to propose to the shareholders of Cootrapar, State make available to the workers' actions at a fair price to be agreed by the parties, through an appraisal. The only condition that the negotiation can give is that all workers who went on strike to be reinstated in their jobs ", said President Cootrapar.

The document sent to Fernando Lugo says that the main objective is to Acepar be Cootrapar Paraguayans, and not those who want to boycott the industry.

"Mr. President, we have relied on their words. In September 2008 he said, when opened Cootrapar facilities, that this was the time of the cooperative, solidarity. We returned to trust when he said, the November 9, 2009, which would enforce the law in Acepar. However, their officers, all you have done is given a whitewash Sergio Taselli and blackmail the workers. Justice has been purchased. Cootrapar has evidence that has defrauded the country, "said Gonzalez Chirico ·

By saying the union leader, cooperative purchasing Taselli Lugo knows that judges," as he did now to leave nearly 400 workers on the street. And get the favor of the ministers to violate the Law 1037/97. "

Lugo The letter sent to the shareholder details Cerro Lorito, Néstor Méndez, days before President of the Republic met with Sergio Taselli, in September 2008, made it clear to Chirico was already an agreement with the State to launder the Argentine businessman, "which would make a government payment to the government and the other under the table." Moreover, he said, the Attorney General of the Republic, Enrique Garcia, was "softened."
"I do not know if it's true or not, but I remember that week in October before meeting with Taselli, he told me that his presence in Acepar had cost between ten and fifteen million dollars. Today we have a Minister of Justice and Labour to Taselli gives a certificate that the company says there are no violations labor laws. In addition, the National Forestry Institute is complicit in the violation of the Law 1037/97, \u200b\u200bas it allows Taselli spend fifty thousand dollars ($ 50,000) per year, if the commitment was to invest eight million dollars per year ($ 8,000,000 ) to be sustainable Acepar and running full, "he added.

proposed nationalization
Cootrapar The proposal presented is based on that that Argentine businessman is offering ten thousand U.S. dollars (10,000 USD.) Workers union members for their actions. "As I assume the State is complicit because it can not provide legal certainty as workers, entrepreneurs not want to be part or victims of this plunder, "the statement said.

"There is a crisis generated from the cooperative's refusal to violate the fulfillment of the Law 1037/97. We have invested financial, human and financial resources to transparent privatization process. And we have provided documents showing the complaints we've done responsibly.

"They have culled more than 400 families of workers Acepar SA, commitment to ethical and patriotic to enforce the law, and that the Paraguayan society aware of the seriousness of the matter. The only thing we have achieved is being stripped of what little or nothing to have as employees. We use all legal and institutional resources, and only received more prey. It all ends in a choking situation, with the few workers who have almost lost the ranch to all, and some with debts reaching more than 30 million Guarani, psychologically, economically depressed and demoralized, "said the letter sent to the president. Finally
confirms that, as president of the Cootrapar, 33% shareholder Acepar, assumes the responsibility to ask the Assembly members that goes beyond the part that corresponds to the cooperative to the Paraguayan State to the partial nationalization of the company .

"This is the last resort patriotic which continues to have a shareholder Acepar Paraguay. We demand to reinstate all striking employees and dismissed for political issues. We finally recall that, according to Law 1037/97, \u200b\u200bthe privatization of Acepar SA with social costs should be zero, and the transfer of state should be given to a Paraguayan businessman. "


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