Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Light Covers Acrylic



Landing Jorge Chavez Airport in Lima, I was struck by the timeliness and diligence services for passport and customs control, do not expect or five minutes when the band appeared on my suitcase mechanical . As I enter into society Lima, getting physically perceive a forth this joy and enthusiasm that contrasts with the reality of chaos and fear still felt in the English airports.
People smile more and feel that your attitude and conveys the atmosphere of celebration that also point out the decorations and Christmas lights that adorn the city.
I'm in another part of the world, in the New World, perhaps.
Initial discussions and inquiries allow me to confirm the suspicion here this year, there has been no crisis. Perhaps accustomed to living in permanent crisis, now it's an opportunity.
In the years that I live in Spain and I'm back to my country of origin never had received a big comparative difference for my country of origin, but now is almost a dream, a need, an opportunity. To rest the grueling state of nerves and fatigue that exists in Spain, where every day which are only discussed the new effects of the crisis, the new corruption scandal, the last murder of a desperate borrower who loses their job or their property .
Surely now in Peru such things happen, or maybe some worse, but the novelty is that here is seen a great hope, a hope for the future, and above all an immense desire to overcome everything that is opposed to live and believe in a better future. It so happened
the brand new Nobel Prize for Literature, also landed this week with a whirlwind of excitement, joy and deep pride and satisfaction for all Peruvians, is to say, ladies and gentlemen of the world come here very valuable people, because here there are many people valuable, there are wonderful people.

From Lima Peru, telling the impressions of a walker.


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